We asked Indspire youth laureates to tell us about a time they’ve struggled with mental health or substance use and their wellness journey, including tips. Here is what we heard.

This resource was developed by a team of experts, including young people and a Knowledge Keeper, with support from Indspire and the Margaret and Wallace McCain Centre for Child, Youth & Family Mental Health. For more information, contact rivers@indspire.ca.

Resources for immediate support:

  • Connect with a helpline—like the Hope for Wellness Help Line (1-855-242-3310), or use the chat box at www.HopeforWellness.ca to speak with a counsellor online.
  • If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, you are deserving of help. Please explore resources at www.camh.ca/gethelp. If you feel safe in the moment, follow up with your family physician or care team. If you require immediate, in-person emergency care, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency department.

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